Functions and Formulas

Creative practice

1.      List out 10 mathematical functions that you already know (for example + ).

2.      Which of these functions have 2 input numbers; which have only 1?

3.      Of the functions that have 2 input numbers, for which functions does the order of the 2 numbers make a difference?

4.      Which functions are the opposite (inverse) of another function?

5.      Which function is the same as its inverse function?

6.      For any function, find some examples of when the output number is the same as the input number.


Official Guide practice (find these in your Official Guide or at

PS45430.02 If the relations shown hold for the operation

PS37631.02 For all real numbers a, b, c, d, e, and f,

PS01622 The symbol Δ denotes one

PS09708 The cost C, in dollars,

PS16116 If [x] is the greatest integer

DS37502.01  If r and s are positive numbers and461 If [x] denotes


DS08451  For any integers x and y, min(x, y)