Smart Numbers

Official Guide practice (find these in your Official Guide or at

Try out the following problems with the strategy of picking smart numbers. Follow the principle of picking small numbers that fit the relationships, and be flexible about adjusting your smart numbers if you need to.


PS11906 A technician makes a round-trip

PS14250 City X has a population 4 times as great as the population of City Y,

PS08385 A total of s oranges are to be packaged in boxes

PS00526 When n liters of fuel were added to a tank

PS01315 The harvest yield from a certain apple orchard

On a certain day, orangeade was made by mixing a certain amount of orange juice

Mary’s income is 60 percent more than Tim’s income

PS07465 In Western Europe, x bicycles were sold

PS30730.02 To rent a tractor, it costs a total of x dollars

PS04448 If mn ≠ 0 and 25 percent of n equals

PS08399 The number line shown contains three points R, S, and T,

PS04089 A certain high school has 5,000 students.

PS00428 Working simultaneously at their respective constant rates,

PS07730 In Country C, the unemployment rate among construction workers

PS16823 David has d books, which is 3 times as many as Jeff

PS16830 To mail a package, the rate is x cents for the first pound and y cents

PS08570 During a trip, Francine traveled x percent of the total distance

PS06946 If k is a positive integer